
VENI! (O Come, O Come, Emmanuel) - 4-Part Men's Composition SCORE

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VENI! (O Come, O Come, Emmanuel) - 4-Part Men's Composition SCORE


The early ideas for this piece were scribbled down when I was a teenager. The full arrangement was developed a decade later on a small family organ. The music helped me siphon anxious emotions as a first-year school teacher and an expectant father.

Many faith traditions look forward to the coming of a messiah to end conflict, purge evil, unify nations, and lead us to an enlightened future. In the meantime, let us strive to take care of each other despite our differences. The last verse pleads:

O come, desire of nations / Bind in one the hearts of all mankind

Bid ev'ry strife and quarrel cease / And fill the world with heaven's peace.

"Veni!" is an arrangement of the timeless monastic melody "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!" written for TTBB men's choir. It features unison chants, dissonant cries, and hymnal harmonies, as well as solos for bass and tenor. The text alternates between the original Latin and lyrical English translations. Written in Db/Bbm with additional rehearsal piano options in C/Am and D/Bm. Performance time ~6 minutes.


This arrangement is original work. Copyright Bennion Music 2014.

Purchasing the score grants permission for rehearsal copies. Contact composer for performance and recording permissions.

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You'll get a download including: a full 4-part score PDF with solos, rehearsal piano PDF (in original key, half-step up, half-step down), and demo audio MP3.

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